This page describes the project management framework utilised by @UTAT Space Systems and how leads may implement it.
The Space Systems project management framework is composed of three (3) levels of granularity:
The figure below displays our project management framework diagramatically:
The Space Systems project management framework. There are three level of fidelity at which our projects are defined: Epics, Stories, and Chapters [src]
An example of what an Epic page looks like is shown in FINCH Phase C.
Below is an example of what a Story page looks like: [to be added eventually]
Every Story is named based on its outcome and can follow the format [Mission] + [System Artifact] + [Action]. As an example, a Story that aims to define command sequences for the FINCH mission could be named:
FINCH Command Sequence Definition
Here, the Mission is FINCH, the System Artifact in question is Command Sequences, and the Action is Definition.
This is not a strict rule, but rather a guide for Story nomenclature. You know you have named your Story adequately if a third party can tell what the Story entails through its name and someone with more experience on the team can tell how this Story exists within the context of the overall mission.